Providing Plugin Updates

With Sketchpacks Relay installed on your plugins' Github repos, providing updates is simple. When you push or release changes to your repository, Sketchpacks will automatically deliver those updates to your users.

Managing your plugin updates

Sketchpacks supports two workflows for releasing your plugin's updates, the push and release workflows. If your repository contains releases, Sketchpacks will use the release workflow. Otherwise the push workflow will be used by default.

Push Workflow

When you push to your default branch, Sketchpacks will check if your plugins version has changed. The new version will be updated in your plugin's appcast feed and the next time your user's check for updates, it will be available to them.

We suggest that you use a command line tool to help with versioning your plugins. For example, you can use npm:

npm version <new-version>

Or, you can use skpm to bump your plugin's version:

skpm publish <new-version> --skip-release

Important using this workflow, you will only ever have one HEAD release in your appcast. If you need to support multiple Sketch versions, we suggest using the release workflow.

Release Workflow

When you create and publish new releases in your github repository, they will automatically be added to your appcast feed. The next time your user's check for updates, the new release will be available to them.

We recommend that you use SKPM to publish your releases. It simplifies building, versioning, and publishing your releases on GitHub.

skpm publish <new-version>

Auto-updates within the Sketchpacks desktop client

Sketchpacks will provide the users' desired level of updates by setting their lock strength to apply patch- and minor-level updates. Fully unlocked plugins will apply all updates.

Next Steps

Caught a mistake or what to contribute to the documentation? Edit this page on Github.

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